Acupuncture and Dry Needling

Acupuncture is a safe and gentle treatment using sterile needles with little to no side effects. Most patients report that an acupuncture treatment is a pleasant, relaxing experience.

Acupuncture is not something you “have to believe in” for it to work.

Research continues to demonstrate evidence that acupuncture is an effective treatment for chronic pain conditions beyond merely the placebo effect and is a reasonable treatment option for people suffering from chronic pain.

Acupuncture and pain
Acupuncture and low back pain 
Acupuncture and pain control
Acupuncture and migraines
Acupuncture and fertility
Acupuncture and seasonal allergies

(Archives of Internal Medicine. Sep  10, 2012)

Acupuncture demonstrated to be an effective treatment for seasonal allergies.

(Annals of Internal Medicine, Feb 2013)

Acupuncture is a useful therapy to down-regulate itch, urticaria or eczema .

(Allergy. Apr 2012; 67(4): 566–573.)

The American Pain Society and the American College of Physicians in 2007 recommend acupuncture for people with chronic pain who cannot take pain medication or respond to self-care


The term Battlefield Acupuncture was coined by Col. Richard Niemtzow MD, PhD who served as a consultant to the Surgeon General of the Air Force, denoting a specific auricular acupuncture technique to assist in pain relief and, in many cases, eliminate the need for pain medication for acute or chronic pain. Battlefield acupuncture  is not purposely designed to replace standard medical care for wartime injuries, but has helped decrease the need for opioid use during combat. To achieve successful outcomes, this acupuncture technique follows a specific protocol and Dr. Steven Paliakas has received specific training in the protocol and uses it in the clinic with good results.

Our Core Services

Chiropractic Manipulative Therapy

​Acupuncture​ & Dry-Needling

Concussion Care

Acute & Chronic Rehabilitation

Webster Technique & Perinatal Care

All of Our Other Services